Ideation Method Training


Explore creative thinking techniques and learn to quickly generate out-of-the-box ideas!

During the training you will learn that ideation is much more than just brainstorming.

The methods you learn will allow you to:

Content of the Method Training

There is always a need for generating innovative and disruptive ideas, no matter whether for reshaping existing business models, creating new multi business models, for improving work processes or for planning to completely digitalize your company, there is always a need for generating innovative and disruptive ideas.

The effectiveness of this ideation process can be optimized by using the right creativity methods for the given purpose. This training will show you that ideation is not just brainstorming. We will introduce several creativity techniques that are applicable in different contexts.


The training is designed to be mainly hands-on. After a method is introduced, you will immediately have the opportunity to try it out. We will make use of familiar examples from your own work experience. As takeaways, you will receive the workshop material as paper handouts.

The training is conceptualized as a 1-day workshop. You will learn different methods and tools, which will help you to generate more and better innovative ideas.

Online Ideation

Our Ideation Method Training is now also available as an online version. Adapted to current circumstances, we have designed a concept that combines the strengths of our Ideation Method Training with the advantages of online tools. For this purpose we have tailored our workshop methods to work on digital platforms. Our moderators will guide you via video conference through the technical exercises as well as through the handling of the online tools. This way, the hands-on character of the training is also maintained in the online version.

The online version is distributed over several days and will be adapted to your individual schedule.

Target Group

The training is designed for everyone who is involved in concept creation, such as designers, project managers, marketing officers or research & development departments. No previous knowledge is necessary.


Marc Jentsch

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Marc Jentsch

Innovation Engineering Lead

Phone +49 2241 143-777

Lisa Schlömer

Contact Press / Media

Lisa Schlömer

Phone +49 2241 143-749