Design Thinking Crash Course

Our short course will take you through all of the Fraunhofer Design Thinking phases in one day. You will get to know the basic concepts of Fraunhofer Design Thinking as well as selected methodologies for each phase. You will have the opportunity to try out our methods hands-on, using concrete examples. After completing the crash course, you will be able to apply first Design Thinking principles to your daily work.

Learning Objectives

The short course provides you knowledge in the following areas:

  • Analysis − how to identify and understand problem areas
  • Requirements − how insights are structured and conveyed
  • Ideation − how to develop innovative ideas
  • Rapid prototyping − how to quickly make ideas tangible
  • Evaluation − how to find out which expectations are met

Target Group

The short course is a great introduction to Design Thinking. It is intended for anyone involved in innovation processes such as designers, project managers, process managers, and employees in marketing or research & development departments. Are you a freelancer who is looking to expand their skills? Or someone who wants to learn more about Design Thinking? Then our crash course is right for you. The course is suitable for participants from administration, research or industry. Preliminary knowledge is not necessary.


Marc Jentsch

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Marc Jentsch

Innovation Engineering Lead

Phone +49 2241 143-777

Lisa Schlömer

Contact Press / Media

Lisa Schlömer

Phone +49 2241 143-749