Conception & Moderation of Innovation Workshops

Why should you conduct workshops within your company?

  • To develop technology-driven business models and corporate visions.
  • To generate new products and innovations.
  • To develop technology strategies and increase potential.

Are you wondering how to achieve this? We can help you! We conceptualize and moderate your workshops using Design Thinking methods.

How do we ensure a successful workshop?

  1. By a good preparation, which is specifically aligned with the goals of your company and the participants.
  2. By detailed documentation of the results, so that the process of the workshop is comprehensible for all afterwards.
  3. By a good time management during the workshop. Our methods are always accompanied by a tight schedule.

Our philosophy

It is important to us to actively involve all participants in the innovation process from beginning to end. In this way we ensure innovation "from the inside out". Your employees are not only participants in the innovation process − they are the driving force!

Effectiveness is a key element in our workshops. This is why our methods are designed to draw the best possible performance out of all participants. At the same time, we ensure a relaxed and productive working atmosphere.

We are convinced that the best ideas come when people from different disciplines come together and work purposefully on a problem. For Fraunhofer FIT, diversity and divergent thinking among workshop participants are the cornerstones of innovation.

We create added value for your employees and for your company.

With your individual workshop you will reach goals beyond the workshop content: Your employees will get to know methods that help them to solve future problems by means of agile working methods. Our workshops, therefore, focus on method transfer and the transfer of skills − according to the motto "learning by doing".

We attach great importance to a productive and good working atmosphere.

Dynamic employees need a dynamic working atmosphere which is why we encourage the participants to use the whole room during the workshop. To this end, we rely on methods that promote agile cooperation within the group.

High quality results under time pressure − is that possible?

Of course! Many methods are accompanied by a stopwatch. Thus, we guarantee the constant progress of the workshop and the adherence to the time schedule. Coordination processes ensure that the best ideas are further elaborated at the end of each method. These ideas provide the input for the next phases of the Design Thinking process. This way, the workshop participants themselves ensure the quality of the results they produce.

Also as an online workshop

We offer our workshops online, as a face-to-face event or as a mixed format. For online formats, we provide video conferencing tools such as MS Teams, Zoom or Jitsi as well as online collaboration tools such as Miro or MURAL. If participants have no experience with these tools, simple introductory exercises can be part of the workshop.


Marc Jentsch

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Marc Jentsch

Innovation Engineering Lead

Phone +49 2241 143-777

Lisa Schlömer

Contact Press / Media

Lisa Schlömer

Phone +49 2241 143-749